
Monday, July 15, 2013

Galaxy Nail Art

Hey everyone! Today I have some really fun and easy galaxy nail art to show you. Galaxy nails were one of the very first designs that I tried when I really started getting into nail art about a year ago. I feel like I've come so far since then! If you keep reading I may even show you a picture of the old ones I did... ;)

I started off with two coats of Wet 'n' Wild FastDry Ebony Hates Chris, my favorite black creme. It's almost a one-coater and the formula is flawless. Next, I ripped off small chunks of a make up sponge and pair of tweezers to sponge different colors onto my nails. I used OPI DS Magic (blue/purple), DS Indulgence (orangey red) and Flashbulb Fuchsia (fuchsia, duh) and Zoya Zuza (turquoise). I always sponged on DS Magic first, but the other three colors I sponged on in random order. Once I was happy with the result, I took my small dotting tool and made teeny stars with Sinful Colors Snow Me White. I finished my manicure off with Sally Hansen Diamond Flash Top Coat.
Left Hand

Right Hand (awkward!)
Okay you guys, because I love you all, I decided to show you how far I've come in just a year (even though it's super embarrassing)! Here's a picture of my very first galaxy nails:

I used to bite at my cuticles as a nervous habit and they seriously look rough in this picture. Also note that this picture was taken with my crappy iPhone 3S camera in my car! But here's my point: if I can do this, I believe anyone can! I'm still working diligently on getting over the cuticle biting habit, but It's going much better than expected. So if you ever feel discouraged about your nails, just remember that not so long ago, I was feeling the same way too. It just takes a lot of practice. And also, I love passing my knowledge along (and I'm still learning, too!) so please, never hesitate to ask any questions.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post. Thanks for reading!
Maggie <3