
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hand Painted Neon Chevrons

Hey guys! I'm sorry it's literally been forever since I've done a blog post or posted on Instagram. Here's the skinny: 1. I was on vacation with 99% no internet access and 2. My poor nails have been super peely lately (and when I say lately I mean the past 6 months to a year) and I've had about enough of it. So, on vacation I decided to give my nails a break and try out Duri Rejuvacote. I've heard a lot of awesome things about this product, but it didn't really work for me. For the record, that may be entirely due to the fact that I was camping and I got an extremely large amount of dirt under my nails, around my nails and in between the layers of peel-age and Rejuvacote. Therefore, I don't think my "review" of this product should really be taken under very much consideration. I am, however, going to try Nailtiques Formula 2 nail treatment again. It worked for my peeling nails in the past and the only reason I stopped using it is because it's literally $20 for a single 15ml bottle that gets goopy and thick halfway through. I'll let you guys know how that works for me once I can afford it. Right now I'm still using the Rejuvacote. On to nails!

Today I have a really different (to me) manicure - neon chevrons! Now, I've done chevrons in the past but I've never hand painted them. I came across a couple of paintbrushes in my vacation travels for $2 a piece and I just couldn't pass them up. They are really crappy to say the least, but they kind of got the job done. I think I need one with much shorter hairs so I can have more control over the brush and just keep the two I bought as stripers. That being said, I am really proud of how these came out. I'm not one for drawing or hand painting anything and I thought these look pretty cute. Also, (and this is very important to mention), I almost always take pictures of my dominant hand because for whatever reason those nails always look better. Therefore, drawing chevrons with my non-dominant hand was tricky - especially with that super skinny brush! Needless to say, I am very happy with these.

Light Box

Light Box


Outdoors Shade

For this look I started off with OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls and painted the chevrons with China Glaze Highlight Of My Summer, Sun Of A Peach and Bottoms Up (you can see swatches of these colors here). I just love how these neons almost glow in the shade! I figured I'd try to use these China Glaze Sunsational Neons while I can before Autumn starts creeping in. I hope this post wasn't too rambling for you guys...I tend to do that ;)

Thanks for reading!
xx Maggie


  1. Those look super adorable! You did a really good job on them! and yes, use neons as much as possible before fall creeps in! I aggree! :D

    1. Thank you so much! I need more practice with the free hand (especially with my non-dominant hand) but I really think I'll get the hang of it! I'm gonna try stripes next - maybe even neon stripes! ;)
