
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Pink and White Dotticure

Hey everyone! So, I just started working as a tech at one of the hospitals downtown, and yesterday was my first 12 hour shift! Talk about exhausting! But if I'm going to be a nurse, (seven months and counting!) I've got to get used to that schedule. The awesome thing is, though, I'm allowed to have my nails painted whatever crazy colors I want as long as they are #1 My real nails (always!) #2 No longer than a quarter of an inch (or something like that..I doubt they come around with tape measures) and #3 Nice and neat with no chips! I personally cannot abide chipped nails and remove my nail polish ASAP after I witness the first dreaded chip. Anyway, yay for awesome jobs that don't make me wear boring nail polish or, heaven forbid, don't allow nail polish at all!

Today I have a really easy manicure for you guys. I am all about easy when it comes to nails (for the record, easy is not to be confused with time consuming - sometimes I spend hours on one manicure). I have never pretended to be very good at anything requiring free-handed drawing, so easy is right up my alley. That is why I love dotticures so much (dotticure, n. - a manicure composed of dots)! I pull out my dotting tools all the time when I want to add a little something to a plain manicure. Here's what I came up with for your guys today:

I started out with two coats of OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls on my thumb and ring finger and two coats of Zoya Shelby on my index, middle and pinkie fingers.

I think these two polishes go really well together. Shelby is a light pink with blue undertones and My Boyfriend Scales Walls is a white that has grayish-blue undertones. It's hard to tell in this picture, but if you compare the OPI with a pure white, it's very obvious.  Look at how shiny both polishes are on their own without top coat or anything! Next, I used my big and small dotting tools to create vertical lines down one side of the nail. I went over the white dots a second time to make sure they were opaque.

I still can't decide which hand pose I like better! I guess I'll just keep switching it up on you guys :) I hope you guys like this look! It's very simple, I know, but that's the beauty of it (in my opinion).

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Your dots are so perfect mine end up looking like melted snowballs! What area are you working?

    1. It just takes practice, I guess! I had to do a couple nails over, but shhh, don't tell anyone ;) I am currently working in an orthopedics unit - trauma, total hip and knee replacements, etc. Mostly post-op stuff. It's a very busy unit!

  2. Hello Maggie! I really like your nails! you have the best neat manis! I want to see pistures of both your hands, most bloggers only have pics of their non-dominant hand and I like to see both hands! You got a new suscriber!

    1. Awesome! I'll try to post a picture of my right hand soon, but here's a little secret - I'm actually left handed! So technically the nails on my right hand should look better than my left, but I always post pictures of my left and I don't know why! At the moment I have two nails that broke on my right hand so it may be a little while until I'm comfortable posting them online ;)

    2. OOhhh, I see! well, I am always curious to see both hands (specially when nail art is involved).

    3. Well that's good to know! I'll keep that in mind next time I'm doing nail art!
