
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Rainbow Gradient Manicure

Hey everyone! Welcome to my new blog. I'm super excited to begin blogging! I've had a nail-related Instagram for a long time (username: maggiemooie - follow me!) and I've decided it's high time I start blogging. So here we are! I'm very, very new at this so if you guys have any comments or recommendations I would love to hear them!

Right, so, first nail post - GO! Today I have a rainbow gradient manicure to show you guys:

For this manicure I started off with a white base (OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls) to really make the colors pop. Then, I sponged on the colored polish with a make up sponge. To do this (lets take my pinkie for example), I painted the blue and purple colors on the sponge, making sure they overlap each other. Then, I dabbed the polish on my nail, going back and forth to make sure the colors blended. I kept adding paint to the sponge until I was happy with the result. I finished off the manicure with one coat of China Glaze Fairy Dust and one coat of top coat. Here are the colors I used for this look:

Red - Essie Come Here!
Orange - Zoya Arizona
Yellow - Zoya Pippa
Green - Essie Mojito Madness
Blue -  Essie In the Cab-Ana
Purple - Essie Play Date

I really love anything rainbow so I thought this would be a perfect beginning to my blog! Here's a blurred close up so you can better see the holo gorgeousness that is China Glaze Fairy Dust:

I hope you guys enjoyed my first blog post! Thanks for stopping by :D



  1. So excited to follow your blog journey, your so talented! BTW I have been a nurse since 1989, you will love it!

    1. Thank you so much for subscribing to my blog! I actually just had my first 12hr shift today as a tech (and actually got paid for it - not clinicals!) and I am dead tired. This is going to take some getting used to ;)

  2. How beautiful! I follow you by Instagram. Visit my blog at, Brazil. If you like, you can follow me. I have several tips for American polish. If you like, you can follow me. It will be a pleasure!

    Kisses, Carol.

    Esmaltes & Carolices

    1. Thank you! It's so great to hear from my followers. I'll definitely check out your blog!
